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Clarivate And Quality Excellence with ZenQMS

Customer Story | Clarivate

About ClarivateTM

ClarivateTM is a global leader in trusted and transformative intelligence. They bring together enriched data, insights, analytics, and workflow solutions grounded in deep domain expertise across the spectrum of knowledge, research, and innovation.

Success Highlights

visibility training
Comprehensive Training Visibility for Employees
21 CFR Part 11 compliance with full audit trails
Out-of-the-box compliance
Configurable modules to address specific needs

The Pre-ZenQMS Era

Prior to ZenQMS, the quality management tools used by Clarivate consisted of the usual manual processes and software such as Excel and SharePoint. However, these solutions quickly became both inefficient and cumbersome once the company’s services and product offerings expanded. The Quality team knew their quality management system (QMS) had to scale to meet the growing complexity and integration of new services. “As our landscape got more complex, we started adding services into the scope as well as our product offerings...the need for us to have a formalized eQMS became apparent,” said Kristyn Sama, VP of Regulatory Compliance at Clarivate.

While searching for a new eQMS, Kristyn prioritized intuitiveness, compliance, and a system built with quality management principles at its core. Enter ZenQMS with its user-friendly interface and out-of-the-box compliance features.

“ZenQMS checked the boxes, and I found the system incredibly intuitive. It met my needs the best, and the pricing model was appropriate. It’s very clear that this is a QMS built by quality professionals for quality professionals.” 

Stress-Free Implementation and Adoption

After integrating ZenQMS, Clarivate quickly started using modules such as Training, Change Control, and Issues, each contributing significantly to their operational improvement. These modules enabled Clarivate to stay proactive with quality management while they streamlined their processes and enhanced compliance across all departments.

“It's a one-stop shop, and that’s been the theme of why we love ZenQMS so much. It has really allowed us to not be in reactive mode but rather a proactive mode.” 

The training module in particular transformed how Clarivate manages compliance and employee development. ZenQMS’ ability to conduct routine monitoring, tracking, trending, and compliance-to-KPI escalations was a huge improvement over their former manual processes. Plus, the easy-to-navigate training dashboard enabled real-time oversight and daily management of training compliance. 

“ZenQMS is a quality system for quality professionals. It’s built by quality professionals with quality management principles at the forefront, and that's not typically the case.” 

Clarivate even got creative, tapping into ZenQMS’ configurability to develop a unique process that addressed their niche quality needs. With ZenQMS’ help, their initiative tracker gives a complete view of all quality-related activities at Clarivate and streamlines cross-departmental collaboration that ensures continuity and efficiency, even during unforeseen team absences.

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Kristyn’s team confirms the value of switching to ZenQMS, too. Employees who had experienced other eQMS platforms noted ZenQMS is more user-friendly, easier to navigate, and more clearly presents tasks and actions. 

“One of the most attractive things was that ZenQMS provides so many elements of compliant behavior right out of the box. It reduced my burden so significantly with this large-scale implementation task. The need for a better system became apparent across the board because I knew what my alternative was: manual management, which almost invariably becomes difficult and convoluted over time.”

Tangible Benefits and Outcomes

The ROI Clarivate gets from ZenQMS isn’t just about financial savings. They also saw significant improvements in efficiency, compliance, and time management – especially in regard to their change control processes – as they transitioned from a complex and less robust system to a streamlined, one-stop solution with ZenQMS. This is in no small part thanks to the collaborative editing feature in ZenQMS which reduced the Quality team’s procedure approval time and eliminated the cumbersome back-and-forth hassles that come with document revisions.

“Once we got the Change Control module rolled out, our team was able to document everything appropriately and store effectiveness checks all in one place.”

For Kristyn, the implementation of ZenQMS eased her workload considerably, including her ability to produce detailed reports on both routine and ad hoc bases. The system’s comprehensive dashboards and reporting capabilities provide immediate access to crucial metrics, allowing for rapid responses to executive inquiries. Swift, data-informed decision-making and real-time data retrieval is now the norm for quality management at Clarivate.

“I am able to get that information to my stakeholders within two minutes, and that's been extraordinarily helpful. I can even provide a screenshot of the dashboard graphic and it just thrills them no end to have that data. That's been massively helpful for me personally because I do not have to go and hunt down the information. It's all at my fingertips, which is where I'd like it to be.”

ZenQMS has the potential of a system that is as intuitive as it is comprehensive. The system’s clear, easy-to-navigate design provides a level of visibility and control that has proven it’s not just a tool for managing quality; it’s a catalyst for driving the kind of continuous improvement that is needed by industry leaders like Clarivate.

If you’re interested in learning more, schedule a demo today and find out how we do eQMS better.

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